
ASDL 연구팀, Computer Physics Communications 학술지 논문 게재

2023-07-25l Hit 1715

ASDL 연구팀에서 Computer Physics Communications 학술지에 투고한 논문이 2023년 5월자로 게재되었습니다. 축하합니다!

Title: Deneb: An open-source high-performance multi-physical flow solver based on high-order DRM-DG method
Author: Hojun You, Juhyun Kim and Chongam Kim
Journal: Computer Physics Communications
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2023.108672
High-order methods are being recognized as powerful tools for handling scale-resolving simulations over complex geometry. However, several obstacles still block their complete applications to practical engineering problems: a compromise between accuracy and efficiency on mixed-curved meshes, inherent vulnerability to numerical oscillations, and lack of open-source high-performance solvers for researchers. To address these issues, we present Deneb, an open-source high-order accurate numerical solver that enables high-performance scale-resolving simulations on PDE-based flow systems. Deneb uses the physical domain-based modal discontinuous thus, it can provide an arbitrary high-order accurate solution on mixed-curved meshes and has the potential for handling polyhedral meshes as well. The direct reconstruction method (DRM) efficiently executes the numerical integration of DG volume and surface integrals without accuracy loss on non-affine elements where mapping functions are high-degree. The resulting DRM-DG method eliminates the severe cost of a quadrature-based approach on mixed-curved meshes. Deneb offers explicit and implicit Runge–Kutta methods as well to achieve high-order accuracy in time. In addition, Krylov subspace methods and preconditioners are available for high-performance linear system solving in parallel. Deneb possesses a strong capability to resolve multi-physical shocks without numerical instabilities with the aid of multi-dimensional limiting and artificial viscosity methods. In particular, the hierarchical multi-dimensional limiting process enables efficient computations of supersonic flows without time-step restriction. The current release of Deneb covers the simulations of hypersonic equilibrium and magneto-hydrodynamic flows as well as compressible Navier–Stokes equations, but it has the potential to solve any PDE-based multi-physical flow systems. Several benchmark problems are presented to highlight Deneb's capability to perform scale-resolving and multi-physical flow simulations. A scalability test is also presented to verify the scaling characteristics of Deneb for high-performance computing.