
과목명 항공역학 (Aerodynamics)
교과목번호 M2795.001800 학점 3
수업목표 유체역학의 기본적인 지식을 바탕으로, 비압축성 공기중의 비행체 주위에서 발생하는 양력과 항력의 발생에 대한 핵심적인 이론을 학습한다. 이를 기반으로, 2차원 에어포일 및 3차원 유한 날개 주위에서 발생하는 양력, 항력 및 모멘트의 공기역학적 특성을 이해하며, 향후 비행체 해석 및 설계에 필요한 기본적인 비행원리를 습득한다.
교재 및
- 교재 :
  Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by John D. Anderson, JR., Fifth Ed., McGraw-Hill.
- 참고서 :
  Aerodynamics for Engineers by John J. Bertin and Russell M. Cummings, Fifth Ed.,
  Pearson International Edition.

평가방법 출석 및 과제물 (10%), 텀 프로젝트(15%), 중간고사(30%), 기말고사(45%)
Chap. 1
 - Basic concepts, Center of pressure, Dynamic similarity and non-dimensional parameter, Boundary layer,
   Aerodynamic coefficients.
Chap. 2
 - Governing equations and control volume, Substantial derivative, Divergence and compressibility, 
   Voricity and rotation, Velocity potential and stream function.
Chap. 3
 - Bernoulli's equation, Two-dimensional potential flows, Flow over a circular cylinder and d'Alembert paradox,
   Kutta-Joukowski theorem and lift generation, Panel method over arbitrary 2-dimensional geometry.
Mid term Exam.
Chap. 4
 - Airfoil and its aerodynamic characteristics, Kutta condition, Kelvin's circulation theorem and lift generation, 
   Thin airfoil theory, Flows over thin airfoils, Airfoil drag and stall, High lift devices.
Chap. 5
 - Downwash and induced drag, Prandtl's lifting-line theory and elliptical lift distribution, Flows over delta wing.
Chap. 6
 - Potential flows over sphere, Comparison of flows around sphere and cylinder.
Chap. 7
 - Viscous stresses, Boundary layers and Blasius solution.
Chap. 8
 - Brief introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics and some examples, Aerodynamic computations 
   by EDISON_CFD, Term project using EDISON_CFD.
Final Exam.